We have all met someone in life that can eat anything they want and not gain a pound. Yet, if you so much as look at a slice of pizza you’ll gain five pounds. Weight change is controlled by calories in vs calories out. That means that 2 lose weight, you need 2 eat less calories than you burn. Conversely, you need 2 eat more calories than you burn 2 gain weight (mass gain cycle). This is broke down in2 macronutrients. Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat. All in which have their own calorie count per gram. Not all calories are equal. Not everyone is the same.
The secret 2 fat loss is does not lie within the realms of weight training or hours of cardio, although that helps. The secret comes from the utensil 2 mouth raises. Too many times I have heard individuals talk about low or no carb diets, as if that is the ultimate key 2 fat loss. While it has its place, it can have brutal repercussions down the road, especially when weight training. I was guilty of that but now use the method in cutting phases, not as a long-term solution. For the next six weeks, we are going 2 focus on some common misconceptions and discuss the WORST foods 2 eat for fat loss. This week we will hit some more obvious foods that are an easy way 2 cut unwanted, unwarranted and empty calories from the diet.
Pancake Syrup
I would advise pancakes are not going 2 get you closer 2 your goals but let us stay focused on something that offers ZERO 2 the cause. No micronutrients, no antioxidants. Nothing. It is high fructose corn syrup with preservatives and artificial food coloring. Highly refined sweeteners, such as syrup causes your body 2 further crave sugar. It is a vicious cycle that you do not need 2 get caught in. If you must have pancakes and cannot live those brief moments of your breakfast without a topping, then at least hit up honey, which at least offers something 2 the body.
Coffee Creamer
This is an easy and effective way 2 cut out hundreds of calories in your day. Sugar spikes insulin, thus inhibiting fat burning and making you feel hungry. Adding this or anything else 2 your morning brew is like convincing yourself that fruit flavored donuts are healthy. Make the change. If you “need” coffee that bad, you can tough it out for eight ounces.
Satan himself brought frosting 2 mortals. I am not going to waste your time over things like donuts and cake these next six weeks. So why waste if on frosting? Because not only is it loaded with sugar, but it is also one of the few items on the shelf with high amounts of trans-fat. These are the nastiest fats that raise bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol. Trans-fat can also trigger inflammation, which leads 2 belly fat. “But it’s so goooood!” Really? Cuz that belly fat is hard on your internal organs and bad cholesterol is bad. It’s telling you that your heart is working overtime.
Salad Dressing
Everyone wants 2 diet with salads and then get frustrated when no results are seen. Dressing is calorie dense with high fat and sugar. While lite and fat-free options are better, the fat is typically substituted with higher amounts of sugar 2 compensate for lower fat. As with everything, check your labels. Place lower calorie options on the side. I personally use small amounts of salsa. It’s as close as I ever get 2 having a taco salad.
Advertised as healthier than butter but is not. It is high in trans-fat and lacks nutrition. Review frosting 2 remind yourself on just how harmful trans-fat is 2 your body. Try using small amounts of olive oil (healthy fats) when you would normally use butter or margarine.
Remember, only you can make the necessary changes for a healthier and more fit you. You either will or won’t. Sacrifices need 2B made.
For the 2B Fit Program (Physical Fitness) or the 2B Sustained Program (Nutrition), contact me as your nutrition consultant.